Electronic Money Exchange Monitor
Exchange Raiffeisen Bank UAH to Dai
Details on Raiffeisen Bank UAH → Dai |
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Raiffeisen Bank is part of one of the main banking groups in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe. All in all, 61 thousand employees service about 15 million customers in dozens of countries around the world. Raiffeisen Bank is highly reputable business. Dai is a stablecoin on the Ethereum blockchain whose value is kept as close to one United States dollar as possible through a system of smart contracts. |
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Exchange Information
10.December, 2024 - Tuesday | |
Exchange rate update: |
Exchangers: | 77/77 |
Currency pairs: | 5441 |
Exchanger Top-5
Exchanger | Clicks |
Ex-Money | 29 |
Receive-Money | 18 |
WM-SIM | 13 |
Idram | 13 |
Exchange-X | 8 |
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