Electronic currency exchange - frequently asked questions | Saratovsky Monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I find the most suitable e-money exchange service?
  2. How do I calculate the amount of WMR to get 30 WMZ?
  3. What is the «Reminder» tool for?
  4. I set a reminder, but did not get any message.
  5. What is «Reserve»?
  6. What is the «Statistics» tool for?
  7. What if I have doubts about an e-currency exchanger?
  8. How can I add a new e-currency, bank or money transfer provider to this monitor?
  9. I do not want to sign up – just give me your web site button!
  10. The monitor of e-money exchangers does not run on my PC – what should I do?


How do I find the most suitable e-money exchange service?

  1. please press «Electronic Money» – «Find Exchange Rates» in the upper menu;
  2. choose exchange direction in the right section and press the «Find best exchange rate» green button;
  3. you will see a window with current offers, so you can pick out an e-currency exchanger with rate and reserve that suit you;
  4. click the name of the service you find most acceptable, and you will be directed to its homepage – in a new tab or window.


How do I calculate the amount of WMR to get 30 WMZ?

Please use our «Calculator» tool:

  1. make steps 1, 2, 3 from the previous answer;
  2. press «Calculator»;
  3. checkmark «Get»;
  4. enter «30» in the field for amount;
  5. press «Calculate»;
  6. you will see how much WMR you need to give in order to receive 30 WMZ – in all the exchange offices.


What is the «Reminder» tool for?

This function will let you know when electronic currency exchange rate or reserve reaches the amount you set. Here are some situations when the «Reminder» tool is indispensable:

  1. You found an e-currency exchange provider whose exchange rate suits you but its currency reserve is not sufficient;
  2. You need to find the most suitable exchange rate and you have plenty of time to wait for it;
  3. You own an electronic currency exchange office and wish to monitor exchange rates of your competitors.


I set a reminder, but did not get any message.

The message is sent automatically. Most likely, it was blocked by antispam in your mailbox. To avoid that please add our sender email to the list of trusted. Besides, your reminder might have expired.


What is «Reserve»?

A reserve is the amount of e-currency that an exchanger accumulated to carry out an exchange transaction. Digital currency exchange services cannot offer you amount for exchange which exceeds the reserve.


What is the «Statistics» tool for?

It is very useful for those who want to know an average exchange rate, a total reserve, or the number of clicks within certain direction of e-currency exchange. For example:

  1. make steps 1 and 2 from answer to the question: «How do I find the most suitable e-money exchange service?» (first on this page);
  2. press «Statistics»;
  3. choose «Total reserve»;
  4. you will be presented with a chart showing changes in total reserve of all exchangers in the last 30 days.


What if I have doubts about an e-currency exchanger?

Here are simple ways to determine if an exchange supplier is reliable:

  • stable services always pay for hosting and enjoy a second level domain name (looks like saratovsky.com); if an exchanger uses free hosting and has a third level domain name (looks like exchange.money.com), you'd better not exchange there;
  • search the domain name of an exchanger you check (e.g. «exchange.com») in Google or Yahoo; if a web site is blacklisted, you will not see it in search results by any query;
  • check feedback on the e-currency exchanger in WebMoney;
  • check feedback on the e-currency exchanger in the Internet.


How can I add a new e-currency, bank or money transfer provider to this monitor?

Just write us about it, and if the new payment system meets certain requirements it will undoubtedly be added to our rating. So all your proposals are welcome!


I do not want to sign up – just give me your web site button!

To copy our web site button HTML code please visit this page.


The monitor of e-money exchangers does not run on my PC – what should I do?

Please try the light version of the monitor or the mobile version (smartphone, iphone, cell phone, communicator, etc.). Please also note that there is a Russian part of the monitor which might be somewhat different from the English one.

Besides, you should bear in mind that browsers occasionally block so-called insecure content of a page – so some of its elements might not show at all or show incorrectly. In this case try to disable protection in your browser for this monitor web site.