WebMoney Credit Service File Export
An export file with data of any WebMoney credit service is accepted by our monitor in CSV format.
The CSV file contains values in the form of a table in certain order: every column value is separated from the next column value by semicolumn «;» . The CSV file should not contain descriptions of field names which in some cases are written in file headings. If some technical details need to be added to the file, then the number sign «#» should precede it.
CSV File Format:
- <Minimal passport> – Alias Passport: 0, Formal Passport: 1, Initial Passport: 2, Personal Passport: 3.
- <Minimal BL> – for instance, 5.
- <Passport age> – number of days, for instance, 60.
- <Credit amount, WMZ from> – for instance, 10.
- <Credit amount, WMZ to> – for instance, 10000.
- <Daily interest, % from> – for instance, 1.4.
- <Daily interest, % to> – for instance, 0.75.
- <Credit period, days from> – for instance, 5.
- <Credit period, days to> – for instance, 120.
- <WMC-purse debt limit> – for instance, 100.
- <Interest compensation for prepayment> – No: 0, Yes: 1.
- <Deposit amount, WMZ from> – for instance, 100. If trust limits are not open then 0.
- <Deposit amount, WMZ to> – for instance, 1000. If trust limits are not open then 0.
- <Daily interest on deposit, % from> – for instance, 0.2. If trust limits are not open then 0.
- <Daily interest on deposit, % to> – for instance, 0.35. If trust limits are not open then 0.
- <Annual interest on deposit, % from> – for instance, 31.25. If trust limits are not open then 0.
- <Annual interest on deposit, % to> – for instance, 57.14. If trust limits are not open then 0.
Example (credit.csv):
#File update date: 10.10.2011. And other technical details.3;5;60;10;10000;1.4;0.75;5;120;100;1;100;1000;0.2;0.35;31.25;57.14
Or#File update date: 10.10.2011. No limits open.3;5;60;10;10000;1.4;0.75;5;120;100;1;0;0;0;0;0;0
You can also download an example of CSV file here.
Your CSV file must be updated every time you change your WebMoney credit terms. WebMoney credit providers found to be presenting false information in their CSV file will be permanently removed from our monitor!
Making Export File in Microsoft Excel:
You can create a CSV file in Excel according to the structure above. When saving the file by «Save As» please choose the CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) option.
12 February 2025 - Wednesday | |
Credit machines: | 5 |
It is advisable to borrow from the same credit service, thus improving your credit history. In this way you can enhance your prospects of obtaining a credit on more favorable terms.